Spencer's Guess The Movie Quiz Game

by Spencer Harwood

hey girls, it’s like a game like guess the movie quiz game ok. if you can get this one correct you win BIGLY.

Basically theres this family
The little girl
The chubby little Girl wants to be in a beauty pageant so the family take a road trip to California girls
Its basically a shit show
The uncle's a drug addict or had just tried to commit suicide
The dad doesn’t have promising job prospects
The brother basically has selective mutism
And doesn't want to be part of any of this bullshit
The grandad is a bad arse and teaches the little girl a dance to super freak
And she performs it in her beauty pageant
Then the judges are shocked and horrified at what they’ve just seen
They make a huge scene and everybody the whole family starts dancing in the beauty pageant and then they just run off and
Im pretty sure the grandad dies somewhere in there.

(editor's note: Spencer did not specify what you win if you get it right)


  1. I KNOW THIS ONE!! Little miss sunshine - Sarah


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