My Favorite Date Movies

by Morgan Stone

I saw that someone submitted a list of horrific date movies to Birdbath for this issue, and it got me thinking, what are some good date movies? I've seen many a movie on a date, and so many of them have been absolutely perfect. Here I am to share with you some great movies I've seen on a date. Hopefully, they give you some inspiration so your next date is full of excitement and intrigue!


Imagine: You've just been made to watch Top Gun: Maverick (2022). It was fine. But you didn't really like it that much. However, it ends with a song by Lady Gaga, so overall it becomes a real treat. And it reminds you of one of your favorite movies of November 2021: House of Gucci. Your date isn't sure at first, but somehow they concede to sit and watch all 2 hours of House of Gucci at 11:00 at night. It may have just been because you put the movie on. You watch Adam Driver and Lady Gaga make love and think to yourself: what did I get myself into? Hours pass by, and it isn't until the two of you are half an hour into the movie's special features (you rented this from Netflix DVD) that you decide to turn it off. It's one of the more memorable dates you've ever been on.


I watched this movie on a remote date, where the two of us pirated borrowed it separately and pressed play at the same second.  I honestly loved this movie, and I love any opportunity to see American Sweetheart Jason Lee <3 No I do not remember really anything about the plot of it. I just remember Jason Lee. <3

SPY KIDS 1-3 (2001-2003)

This marathon is the perfect length for a good long date, while simultaneously not demanding the most from your attention. It's a great balance for any type of date: romantic, platonic. The possibilities are endless. Plus, if one of you has seen them but the other has not, it's a fun dalliance into childhood memories.


I want to state for the record that I'm definitely NOT the person mentioned in that other article who was really obsessed with this movie. There has to be more than one girl who is really into Scooby-Doo (2002) and has made a video essay about it...right? That just couldn't have been about me!

What makes this such a great date movie for me is that I can watch it with someone and tell them various in-depth details about the production of it as we watch, and slowly convert them from someone who says the movie gives them a migraine to someone who loves the just may take more than one watch. But believe me, you will love it one day.


I watched this movie on the Fourth of July 2022 on a date, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Did I fall asleep for twenty minutes in the middle and miss some pivotal deaths and not realize I had fallen asleep then became incredibly confused? Maybe. 


This is a really good date movie. It's really good to say in the middle of it: "Wow, he's just like me for real."  It's okay, they probably wont even remember you saw this movie on a date or that he's just like you (fr). Bonus points if someone else (maybe your date) says that you probably would relate to Scott Pilgrim.

(500) DAYS OF SUMMER (2009)

Now that you've watched Scott Pilgrim, I think it's time to get further into the classics! Watch this movie with your date, just don't forget to tell them: "He's just like me fr!"


And you know what, screw it, watch another classic "manic pixie dream girl" movie! Chances are that one of you relates to one of the characters. And if the two of you think too hard about it, maybe they're just like the both of you...for real.

 Anyways...there are some date movies.


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