by Sydney Bellon Chef was released in 2014, directed, written and starred in by Jon Favreau. Chef is a comedy-drama, which follows a restaurant chef (Jon Favreau) turned food truck owner who goes on a cross-country road trip with his best friend/su chef (John Leguizamo) and son (Emjay Anthony). The connection between food and relationships is the core of all interactions in this film. More than just a foodie movie, Chef centers on themes of family, friendship, culture and all the best parts of life. While we are able to witness the classic food seduction scenes, we are also watching the character development of an estranged father and ex-husband in search of regaining his own creativity. We begin with an opening scene of the daily life of a chef - in the focus of a routine, chopping vegetables, panning the kitchen and aesthetic of our character. The prologue of this narrative starts with the tension of an incoming food critic, Ramsey Michel. Head chef Carl Casper is anxious to...